About SAT
SAT is a standardized test used for college admissions in the United States. The test is developed and administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS) on behalf of the College Board. The SAT tests the students’ reasoning based on knowledge and skills developed through their course work. It measures their ability to analyze and solve problems by applying what they have learned in school. The SAT Reasoning Test is a measure of the critical thinking skills you’ll need for academic success in college. The SAT assesses how well you analyze and solve problem, skills you learned in school that you’ll need in college.
Who takes the SAT
The SAT is taken by high school juniors and seniors.
Test Structure
SAT has 3 test sections – Critical Reading, Mathematics & Writing
Critical Reading
This section has 52 questions ranging from sentence completions to short & long passages. The time to complete this section is 65 minutes.
This section has 58 questions (45 multiple choice & 13 grid in). The time to complete this section is 80 minutes.
This section has multiple choice questions & an essay. The multiple choice questions include error-identification questions, sentence-improvement questions, and paragraph-improvement questions. The essay section, which is always administered as the first section of the test, is 25 minutes long. This section tests the grammar, vocabulary and content skills of the test-taker.
Where is it conducted
The SAT is offered seven times a year in the United States; in October, November, December, January, March (or April, alternating), May, and June. The test is typically offered on the first Saturday of the month for the November, December, May, and June administrations. In other countries, the SAT is offered on the same dates as in the United States except for the first spring test date (i.e., March or April), which is not offered. Candidates wishing to take the test may register online at the College Board’s website, by mail, or by telephone, at least three weeks before the test date.
You can register for the test by logging on to https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register
SAT Score Reporting
For each correct answer in SAT, one raw point is added. For each incorrect answer one quarter of a point is deducted. No points are deducted for incorrect math grid-in questions. The final raw score is converted to a scaled score of 200 to 800 points, the score that is seen on the test taker’s score report.
SAT score report includes a detailed breakdown of the test-taker’s scores, information about what his/her scores mean, and how their scores compare to those of other test-takers.